1. If you have not signed up with us before, please click on "Register(New Users)" menu.
2. On the New account page that comes up, please enter your account details. Select any username that you can remember, and one that is unique. Usually your email should work fine. Note that there is a separate entry for your email for communication.
3. Please use any password of your choice. Remember that you will need it if you logout and want to login again at a later time.
4. Please enter the First name/Last name exactly as you would like them to appear on the certificate. Please note that this is not used for payment. The credit card can be any other name (for e.g. Agency card) if needed. Please recheck as you will not be able to make changes once completed, and will need to contact us if you made an error.
5. Please enter your email id that will be used for any communication from us. If you are an agency owner/admin that is signing up employees, you may use the agency email for multiple users.
6. If you are a returning user, you can login with the userid and password that you selected at signup. If you enter the password incorrectly, you'll return to the same page.
7. If you forgot your password, you can use the "Forgot your username or password?" link. This will send a password reset email to the email id you entered at signup. If there is an error in your email id or have difficulty accessing your email, contact us and we can reset your password.